
Updated 23 July, 2024 from Barrie, ON, Canada

The last few days have been pretty exciting. I upgraded to a new VPS without breaking the bank. It's a massive improvement over my 5-year-old Linode box;

RAM 1GB => 6GB | SSD 30GB => 500GB | CPU 1vCore => 4vCores

Finally, I can run Docker containers without running out of memory!

Moving On

Moving my services has been a pain. Tons of cron scripts, websites, and even a custom-generated calendar syncing to Google Calendar. Routing domains while avoiding downtime is tricky considering even this website is hosted there and I don't want it to go down even for a few hours.

An Addition

Trying something new: hardened Nginx. Previously I just used plain old reverse proxies for all of my services, not even Cloudflare. Now I'm only exposing port 443 through Bunkerweb a self-hosted web firewall, with all services proxied through it. Combined with CrowdSec, the duo should be super secure. I've still got a lot more experimenting to do before I shut down my old box for good.

I'm doing all of this through docker containers so the networking part is quite the learning curve. The problem isn't just opening up ports and connecting networks with each other. I've got services that aren't even dockerized that need to go through Bunkerweb, which was a headache to figure out. I love UFW but sometimes it can be a bitch.


Now that I'm down with Cyberpunk 2077, I'm waiting for the DLC to be on discount to grab it. Till then I've been playing around with emulation. It's a little tricky with my Radeon GPU but most of the games run better than I expected, maybe because of my Ryzen 5600. I'm really loving Bayonetta. I played a bit of Bayonetta 3 on a friend's PC and fell in love, so now I'm going through it from the start.

This is a more up-to-date about page that's a little more personal. Inspired by Derek Sivers.

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